The Ovation will be a pivotal space — but contributions from our Founding Supporters will take it to the next level. Your gift will help us upgrade the state-of-the-art technology, amenities, and additional features that will make your experiences at the Ovation truly unforgettable.
Specifically, community support will directly fund three major public-facing components of the facility:
- A large-scale mural on the south-facing wall of the Ovation. The mural will bring a statement piece by accomplished artist Max Sansing to the Ovation’s exterior, and will be the first thing you see heading north from REO Town or I-496.
- Two giant-scale LED marquees facing both north to Lenawee St. and east to Washington Ave. that will display upcoming shows, as well as the names of all of our supporters, including the $25 level!
- A massive-scale, custom metal and neon “Lansing, MI” placemaking sign on the black box theatre facade that will serve as a visual icon for Downtown Lansing, greeting residents and visitors with high visibility.
All of these elements that you can support today will not only activate the Ovation, but help reinvigorate the Downtown neighborhood. Thank you!
On top of our sponsors, we are inviting community members to become Founding Supporters of this movement by giving at the levels listed below. As a Founding Supporter, you will be thanked with your names listed on our website as well as on digital displays at the venue itself. Gifts of $100+ can be paid over time in separate installments when choosing Klarna as your payment method within Stripe.